Admission Requirements

To find out more about Visa requirements please click HERE.
Starting your Bachelor studies in Germany requires a school leaving certificate that is equal to the German university entrance qualification. The validity/equivalence of other international certificates and qualifications in Germany can be found through be found throug the Anabin website. You may also consult with the DAAD Regional Office Accra for advice.
WASSCE (West African Secondary School Certificate Examination)
A WASSCE does not allow for direct entry into a German university. The entry into a German university is only possible once the applicant has completed one year of tertiary education in Ghana or the completion of a one-year preparatory course (Studienkolleg) in Germany.
Usually upon admission, the applicant will be placed in a preparatory course offered by the university. Participation in these courses usually requires B2 German proficiency.
HND (Higher National Diploma)
Holders of a HND are entitled to apply for a Bachelor’s degree in a university of applied science in Germany. These universities also award Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees but have a stronger practical focus on teaching professional skills.
There are no HND top-up courses in Germany.
A Bachelor’s degree from an accredited Ghanaian institution enables the holder to apply for postgraduate studies in Germany. Usually, German skills are only required if the study course is offered entirely or partially in German.
For courses taught entirely in English language, you are required to show a proof of English proficieny in the form of TOEFL or IELTS test scores. If your entire bachelors degree and secondary school education was in English, you may still be required to submit a proof of English language proficieny. A ‘Letter of proof of English proficiency’ in place of TOEFL or IELTS test scores will suffice in most cases.
Further requirements of GRE or GMAT test scores may apply. This is usually an advantage but not a strict requirement in most cases.
Acceptance by a supervisor (doctor father or doctor mother) is a prerequisite for recognition as a doctoral student/candidate in a German University. Several Research Training Groups, graduate schools at universities offer a number of PhD positions. There are over 600 structured PhD programmes which can be found through the International Programmes database.
For more on PhD studies, visit this LINK.
Applications to universities in Germany are not all processed via a centralised platform. Before applying to a study programme please find out about the application requirements and the application process from the website of the individual university. Some universities will request applications via hard copies, others offer an online portal. A number of German universities accept applications through UniASSIST. This application portal requires a fee and certified copies of your documents. Certifications can be made at the German Embassy free-of-charge.
Please note that fulfilling all formal admission requirements does not guarantee an admission into a university, all applications will be evaluated individually.
The student is well advised to refer to the section for international students on the individual universities’ websites for further informations.
In order to certify your application documents (certificates and transcripts, WASSCE, Language proficiency certificates etc.), you are welcome to visit the DAAD Regional Office Accra for a quick review of your chosen programmes. We will sign a ‘Confirmation Note’ for you which you will present at German Embassy for the certification.
Certification for study purposes is done for you free-of-charge. You can only have up to 4 sets of certifications free of charge per year.
Please download the following document and meet a representative of the DAAD for a quick review and endorsement. The document can be completed digitally and sent to the DAAD Regional Office Accra for endorsement ( You can also take this opportunity to book for a counselling session with the DAAD Regional Office Accra. Book an appointment via this LINK.
To submit the documents for certification you can go to the Consular Section of the German embassy on Tuesday and Thursday from 9.00 to 11.00am. You do not need an appointment.
For a good overview of academic credentials (to check whether you meet the requirements) for the degree programme of your choice in Germany, use this LINK.
Grade Conversion
The German Note System (The German grading system) is different from the GPA or the CWA grading scale. To convert your grade to a comparable grade in the German Note System, you can use the calculator via this LINK.
In the German Note System, 1.0 is the best achievable grade while 4.0 is the minimum passing grade.
Amewornu Gideon Kwabla, MEng. Information Technology in FrankfurtWith regards to student life experience in Germany, I would say there is some sort of differences. Especially with the international students. We are having a whole lot of students from different countries, also with different academic background and language barrier.
After my degree I’m looking up to bigger and better opportunities in both the engineering and information communication technology firms.