
Ghana - NRW University Alliance Office opens in Accra

© DAAD / Charlotte Hill

The Ghana-NRW University Alliance Office was opened at the Goethe Institut premises here in Accra on Tuesday 18th July, 2023. In her opening remarks, Dr. Susanne Preuschoff (Director of International Affairs, University of Cologne), mentioned that the office was established in less than one year. She added that the China NRW University Alliance served as an example to build on.

The consortium of universities forming the university alliance are University of Düsseldorf, University of Duisburg-Essen, Technical University of Dortmund, Rhine-Waal University Applied Sciences, University of Siegen and the University of Cologne.

The Ghana-NRW University Alliance Office will be run by Dr. Beatrice Asenso Barnieh who is based in Accra and coordinated by Dr. Georg Verweyen who is based at the University of Cologne, Germany.

Attending the opening of the Office was a delegation from the consortium of 6 universities in the Alliance.

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Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked