Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Michael Zobi

© Michael Zobi
I am Michael Zobi, a medical doctor by training from the University of Ghana Medical School. I was privileged to be awarded a DAAD EPOS scholarship to study the master of science program in International Health at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Through this program, I was equipped with the required skills which earned me a position as a research associate at the Robert Koch Institut (RKI). In my current position, I work on improving non-communicable diseases (NCDs), Injuries, and Mental health surveillance in Africa. We closely collaborate with many partners such as the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) and the Ministry of Health and Social Services Namibia to improve NCDs, Injuries, and Mental health surveillance systems on the African continent.
My research interest
My research interests are in the fields of Mental Health, Non-communicable Diseases, Health policy, Health systems research and mixed-method studies. I am still in contact with my former institution. I look forward to an interesting PhD relating to mental health in the near future.
Dr. Michael ZobiMy advice to the next-generation scientist is….
Do not self-reject, do not procastinate : These are the greatest killers of all dreams.